Austin's Colony (Bryan, TX)

The Austin's Colony neighborhood is located in Bryan just East of Highway 6 between Boonville Rd. and Old Reliance Rd. Some current facts about this neighborhood (as of 1/17/2018). * Mitchell is the neighborhood elementary school, and children currently attend Rayburn Intermediate, Davila Middle and Rudder High Schools. (Find current information on school zones for Bryan ISD HERE .) * Austin's Colony is conveniently located to lots of shopping, restaurants and entertainment. * The average home size is 2100 - 2200 sq. feet; with homes ranging from 1700 plus sq. feet to just under 2900 sq. feet. * The average price per sq. foot for a home in Austin's Colony is about $135 per sq. foot and ranging from about $111 to $150 per square foot. * The median home price is about $294,900, but this can vary a lot depending on the size of the home. * Homes in this neighborhood were built as early as 1996 and there is still some brand new construction hitting t...