Creating your Home Office

Creating your Home Office In recent months many (if not most) of us have found ourselves working much more from home. The fact is that none of us really knows if we might need to be able to work from home again in the future (ie. the Fall), but there are a host of reasons why anyone could need to work from home. There are definitely some pros and cons to working from home. There are also things that we can do to make the most of the pros & minimize the cons to make for an effective work day at home. Of course, having the office to actually GO to is nice. I don't even use a dedicated "office" at my office. I use the open spaces and love interacting with my coworkers. But just being there gives me more energy and more focus. Some will say that working from home is better for them; they struggle with distractions at the office and may be more creative at home. Neither is wrong but let's look at some ways to make the home office really work for us. What kind of space ...