3 Reasons Now Might be the Right Time to Buy!

Let's face it, I'm a REALTOR® so I always think it's a great time to buy. But really, NOW might be the right time for you. Let's talk about why...

1. Interest Rates are still super low!

Interest Rates are very low & that gives the buyer several benefits! Rates right now are still coming in at or below the 3% mark, that's 1.5% or more lower than some I saw just a year ago! That's is HUGE! Not only does a lower interest rate save the buyer some money each month, but it saves them a far larger amount over years. Even if you don't plan on staying in the house for the full 30 years; a savings in interest rate of just .25% can save you almost $2,000 on a $200,000 loan in just about 5 years! Imagine how much you could save if you owned the property longer!

2. Time of year.

If you start your home search process right now it might seem inconvenient with the holidays but there are MANY benefits (which is why this category gets weighted twice).  First for the actual house hunting stand point. The buyer is getting to see potential properties in all their glory; decorated for the holidays, clean & ready for possible guests, or if investment property potentially cleaner because renters have gone home for the holidays (so easier to show). 

3. Also, Time of year.

Second from the stand point of timing. Allowing at least 60 days for the whole process (working with a lender, looking for the right home & closing timeline) you would close on your home in February. If you live in this area, cooler weather is definitely preferable to trying to move when it's 100 degrees (or higher). There is also less competition for service providers; moving companies, cleaning companies, etc. With there being fewer people moving at this time of year all of your services will be more accessible; lenders (maybe, many are still very busy with refinancing), title companies, utility companies, movers, cleaners, etc. All of these service providers are much busier during the summer months & so is your REALTOR®.

There are MANY more reasons now is a great time to buy & I would love to talk to you about them! Give me a call or send me an email! Let's get to work! 



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